MMS:OpenVINO™ で音声テクノロジーを 1000 以上の言語に拡張

この Jupyter ノートブックは、ローカルへのインストール後にのみ起動できます。


大規模多言語スピーチ (MMS) プロジェクトでは、1,100 を超える言語 (従来の 10 倍以上) をサポートする単一の多言語音声認識モデル、4,000 を超える言語 (従来の 40 倍) を識別できる言語識別モデル、1,400 を超える言語をサポートする事前トレーニング済みモデル、および 1,100 を超える言語のテキスト読み上げモデルを構築することで、音声テクノロジーを約 100 言語から 1,000 を超える言語に拡張します。

MMS モデルは、Scaling Speech Technology to 1,000+ Languages で提案されました。モデルとコードは元々ここでリリースされています。

MMS プロジェクトには、自動音声認識 (ASR)、言語識別 (LID)、音声合成 (TTS) など、さまざまなオープンソース・モデルがあります。これについて簡単な図を以下に示します。

LID and ASR flow

LID と ASR フロー

このノートブックでは、ASR と LID を検討します。LID モデルを使用して言語を識別し、言語固有の ASR モデルを使用してそれを認識します。モデルの推論速度を向上させるため、追加のモデル量子化ステップが採用されています。ノートブックの最後には、Gradio ベースのインタラクティブ・デモがあります。



%pip install -q --upgrade pip
%pip install -q "transformers>=4.33.1" "openvino>=2023.1.0" "numpy>=1.21.0,<=1.24" "nncf>=2.6.0"
%pip install -q --extra-index-url torch datasets accelerate soundfile librosa gradio jiwer
from pathlib import Path

import torch

import openvino as ov


オーディオファイルを読み取り、オーディオデータを処理します。オーディオデータが 16000 kHz でサンプリングされていることを確認してください。この例では、多言語 LibriSpeech (MLS) データセットのストリーミング可能なバージョンを使用します。7 つの言語の例をサポートしています: 'german', 'dutch', 'french', 'spanish', 'italian', 'portuguese', 'polish'。いずれかを選択してください。

import ipywidgets as widgets

SAMPLE_LANG = widgets.Dropdown(
    options=['german', 'dutch', 'french', 'spanish', 'italian', 'portuguese', 'polish'],
    description='Dataset language:',

Dropdown(description='Dataset language:', options=('german', 'dutch', 'french', 'spanish', 'italian', 'portugu…

データセット全体をダウンロードしない場合は、streaming=True を指定します。

from datasets import load_dataset

mls_dataset = load_dataset("facebook/multilingual_librispeech", SAMPLE_LANG.value, split="test", streaming=True)
mls_dataset = iter(mls_dataset)  # make it iterable

example = next(mls_dataset)  # get one example


print(example)  # look at structure
{'file': None, 'audio': {'path': '1054_1599_000000.flac', 'array': array([-0.00131226, -0.00152588, -0.00134277, ...,  0.00411987,
        0.00308228, -0.00015259]), 'sampling_rate': 16000}, 'text': 'mein sechster sohn scheint wenigstens auf den ersten blick der tiefsinnigste von allen ein kopfhänger und doch ein schwätzer deshalb kommt man ihm nicht leicht bei ist er am unterliegen so verfällt er in unbesiegbare traurigkeit', 'speaker_id': 1054, 'chapter_id': 1599, 'id': '1054_1599_000000'}
import IPython.display as ipd

ipd.Audio(example['audio']['array'], rate=16_000)
mein sechster sohn scheint wenigstens auf den ersten blick der tiefsinnigste von allen ein kopfhänger und doch ein schwätzer deshalb kommt man ihm nicht leicht bei ist er am unterliegen so verfällt er in unbesiegbare traurigkeit

言語識別 (LID)


認識できる言語の数に応じて、126、256、512、1024、2048、4017 などさまざまな LID モデルが用意されています。ここでは 126 を使用します。

from transformers import Wav2Vec2ForSequenceClassification, AutoFeatureExtractor

model_id = "facebook/mms-lid-126"

lid_processor = AutoFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained(model_id)
lid_model = Wav2Vec2ForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_id)


inputs = lid_processor(example['audio']['array'], sampling_rate=16_000, return_tensors="pt")

with torch.no_grad():
    outputs = lid_model(**inputs).logits

lang_id = torch.argmax(outputs, dim=-1)[0].item()
detected_lang = lid_model.config.id2label[lang_id]

OpenVINO IR モデルに変換して推論を実行

OpenVINO を使用して推論を実行するデバイスをドロップダウン・リストから選択します。

core = ov.Core()

device = widgets.Dropdown(
    options=core.available_devices + ["AUTO"],

Dropdown(description='Device:', index=1, options=('CPU', 'AUTO'), value='AUTO')

モデルを OpenVINO 形式に変換してコンパイルします


lid_model_xml_path = Path('models/ov_lid_model.xml')

def get_lid_model(model_path, compiled=True):
    input_values = torch.zeros([1, MAX_SEQ_LENGTH], dtype=torch.float)

    if not model_path.exists() and model_path == lid_model_xml_path:
        lid_model_xml_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        converted_model = ov.convert_model(lid_model, example_input={'input_values': input_values})
        ov.save_model(converted_model, lid_model_xml_path)
        if not compiled:
            return converted_model
    if compiled:
        return core.compile_model(model_path, device_name=device.value)
    return core.read_model(model_path)

compiled_lid_model = get_lid_model(lid_model_xml_path)
/home/nsavel/venvs/ov_notebooks_tmp/lib/python3.8/site-packages/transformers/models/wav2vec2/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs!
  if attn_weights.size() != (bsz * self.num_heads, tgt_len, src_len):
/home/nsavel/venvs/ov_notebooks_tmp/lib/python3.8/site-packages/transformers/models/wav2vec2/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs!
  if attn_output.size() != (bsz * self.num_heads, tgt_len, self.head_dim):


def detect_language(compiled_model, audio_data):
    inputs = lid_processor(audio_data, sampling_rate=16_000, return_tensors="pt")

    outputs = compiled_model(inputs['input_values'])[0]

    lang_id = torch.argmax(torch.from_numpy(outputs), dim=-1)[0].item()
    detected_lang = lid_model.config.id2label[lang_id]

    return detected_lang
detect_language(compiled_lid_model, example['audio']['array'])


SAMPLE_LANG = widgets.Dropdown(
    options=['german', 'dutch', 'french', 'spanish', 'italian', 'portuguese', 'polish'],
    description='Dataset language:',

Dropdown(description='Dataset language:', index=2, options=('german', 'dutch', 'french', 'spanish', 'italian',…
mls_dataset = load_dataset("facebook/multilingual_librispeech", SAMPLE_LANG.value, split="test", streaming=True)
mls_dataset = iter(mls_dataset)

example = next(mls_dataset)
ipd.Audio(example['audio']['array'], rate=16_000)
grisé par ce parfum il fit des vers en l'honneur de l'humble fleur des bois et il les récita tout haut à ses pieds une violette l'entendit elle crut qu'il ne parlait que pour elle
language_id = detect_language(compiled_lid_model, example['audio']['array'])

自動音声認識 (ASR)


事前学習済みモデルとプロセッサーをダウンロードします。デフォルトでは、MMS は英語のアダプター重みを読み込みます。別の言語のアダプターの重みをロードする場合、target_lang=<your-chosen-target-lang>ignore_mismatched_sizes=True を必ず指定してください。指定された言語の語彙に応じて言語モデルヘッドのサイズを変更できるようにするには、ignore_mismatched_sizes=True キーワードを渡す必要があります。同様に、プロセッサーにも同じターゲット言語をロードする必要があります。サポート言語は後から変更することもできます。

from transformers import Wav2Vec2ForCTC, AutoProcessor
model_id = "facebook/mms-1b-all"

asr_processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(model_id)
asr_model = Wav2Vec2ForCTC.from_pretrained(model_id)


dict_keys(['abi', 'abk', 'abp', 'aca', 'acd', 'ace', 'acf', 'ach', 'acn', 'acr', 'acu', 'ade', 'adh', 'adj', 'adx', 'aeu', 'afr', 'agd', 'agg', 'agn', 'agr', 'agu', 'agx', 'aha', 'ahk', 'aia', 'aka', 'akb', 'ake', 'akp', 'alj', 'alp', 'alt', 'alz', 'ame', 'amf', 'amh', 'ami', 'amk', 'ann', 'any', 'aoz', 'apb', 'apr', 'ara', 'arl', 'asa', 'asg', 'asm', 'ast', 'ata', 'atb', 'atg', 'ati', 'atq', 'ava', 'avn', 'avu', 'awa', 'awb', 'ayo', 'ayr', 'ayz', 'azb', 'azg', 'azj-script_cyrillic', 'azj-script_latin', 'azz', 'bak', 'bam', 'ban', 'bao', 'bas', 'bav', 'bba', 'bbb', 'bbc', 'bbo', 'bcc-script_arabic', 'bcc-script_latin', 'bcl', 'bcw', 'bdg', 'bdh', 'bdq', 'bdu', 'bdv', 'beh', 'bel', 'bem', 'ben', 'bep', 'bex', 'bfa', 'bfo', 'bfy', 'bfz', 'bgc', 'bgq', 'bgr', 'bgt', 'bgw', 'bha', 'bht', 'bhz', 'bib', 'bim', 'bis', 'biv', 'bjr', 'bjv', 'bjw', 'bjz', 'bkd', 'bkv', 'blh', 'blt', 'blx', 'blz', 'bmq', 'bmr', 'bmu', 'bmv', 'bng', 'bno', 'bnp', 'boa', 'bod', 'boj', 'bom', 'bor', 'bos', 'bov', 'box', 'bpr', 'bps', 'bqc', 'bqi', 'bqj', 'bqp', 'bre', 'bru', 'bsc', 'bsq', 'bss', 'btd', 'bts', 'btt', 'btx', 'bud', 'bul', 'bus', 'bvc', 'bvz', 'bwq', 'bwu', 'byr', 'bzh', 'bzi', 'bzj', 'caa', 'cab', 'cac-dialect_sanmateoixtatan', 'cac-dialect_sansebastiancoatan', 'cak-dialect_central', 'cak-dialect_santamariadejesus', 'cak-dialect_santodomingoxenacoj', 'cak-dialect_southcentral', 'cak-dialect_western', 'cak-dialect_yepocapa', 'cap', 'car', 'cas', 'cat', 'cax', 'cbc', 'cbi', 'cbr', 'cbs', 'cbt', 'cbu', 'cbv', 'cce', 'cco', 'cdj', 'ceb', 'ceg', 'cek', 'ces', 'cfm', 'cgc', 'che', 'chf', 'chv', 'chz', 'cjo', 'cjp', 'cjs', 'ckb', 'cko', 'ckt', 'cla', 'cle', 'cly', 'cme', 'cmn-script_simplified', 'cmo-script_khmer', 'cmo-script_latin', 'cmr', 'cnh', 'cni', 'cnl', 'cnt', 'coe', 'cof', 'cok', 'con', 'cot', 'cou', 'cpa', 'cpb', 'cpu', 'crh', 'crk-script_latin', 'crk-script_syllabics', 'crn', 'crq', 'crs', 'crt', 'csk', 'cso', 'ctd', 'ctg', 'cto', 'ctu', 'cuc', 'cui', 'cuk', 'cul', 'cwa', 'cwe', 'cwt', 'cya', 'cym', 'daa', 'dah', 'dan', 'dar', 'dbj', 'dbq', 'ddn', 'ded', 'des', 'deu', 'dga', 'dgi', 'dgk', 'dgo', 'dgr', 'dhi', 'did', 'dig', 'dik', 'dip', 'div', 'djk', 'dnj-dialect_blowowest', 'dnj-dialect_gweetaawueast', 'dnt', 'dnw', 'dop', 'dos', 'dsh', 'dso', 'dtp', 'dts', 'dug', 'dwr', 'dyi', 'dyo', 'dyu', 'dzo', 'eip', 'eka', 'ell', 'emp', 'enb', 'eng', 'enx', 'epo', 'ese', 'ess', 'est', 'eus', 'evn', 'ewe', 'eza', 'fal', 'fao', 'far', 'fas', 'fij', 'fin', 'flr', 'fmu', 'fon', 'fra', 'frd', 'fry', 'ful', 'gag-script_cyrillic', 'gag-script_latin', 'gai', 'gam', 'gau', 'gbi', 'gbk', 'gbm', 'gbo', 'gde', 'geb', 'gej', 'gil', 'gjn', 'gkn', 'gld', 'gle', 'glg', 'glk', 'gmv', 'gna', 'gnd', 'gng', 'gof-script_latin', 'gog', 'gor', 'gqr', 'grc', 'gri', 'grn', 'grt', 'gso', 'gub', 'guc', 'gud', 'guh', 'guj', 'guk', 'gum', 'guo', 'guq', 'guu', 'gux', 'gvc', 'gvl', 'gwi', 'gwr', 'gym', 'gyr', 'had', 'hag', 'hak', 'hap', 'hat', 'hau', 'hay', 'heb', 'heh', 'hif', 'hig', 'hil', 'hin', 'hlb', 'hlt', 'hne', 'hnn', 'hns', 'hoc', 'hoy', 'hrv', 'hsb', 'hto', 'hub', 'hui', 'hun', 'hus-dialect_centralveracruz', 'hus-dialect_westernpotosino', 'huu', 'huv', 'hvn', 'hwc', 'hye', 'hyw', 'iba', 'ibo', 'icr', 'idd', 'ifa', 'ifb', 'ife', 'ifk', 'ifu', 'ify', 'ign', 'ikk', 'ilb', 'ilo', 'imo', 'ina', 'inb', 'ind', 'iou', 'ipi', 'iqw', 'iri', 'irk', 'isl', 'ita', 'itl', 'itv', 'ixl-dialect_sangasparchajul', 'ixl-dialect_sanjuancotzal', 'ixl-dialect_santamarianebaj', 'izr', 'izz', 'jac', 'jam', 'jav', 'jbu', 'jen', 'jic', 'jiv', 'jmc', 'jmd', 'jpn', 'jun', 'juy', 'jvn', 'kaa', 'kab', 'kac', 'kak', 'kam', 'kan', 'kao', 'kaq', 'kat', 'kay', 'kaz', 'kbo', 'kbp', 'kbq', 'kbr', 'kby', 'kca', 'kcg', 'kdc', 'kde', 'kdh', 'kdi', 'kdj', 'kdl', 'kdn', 'kdt', 'kea', 'kek', 'ken', 'keo', 'ker', 'key', 'kez', 'kfb', 'kff-script_telugu', 'kfw', 'kfx', 'khg', 'khm', 'khq', 'kia', 'kij', 'kik', 'kin', 'kir', 'kjb', 'kje', 'kjg', 'kjh', 'kki', 'kkj', 'kle', 'klu', 'klv', 'klw', 'kma', 'kmd', 'kml', 'kmr-script_arabic', 'kmr-script_cyrillic', 'kmr-script_latin', 'kmu', 'knb', 'kne', 'knf', 'knj', 'knk', 'kno', 'kog', 'kor', 'kpq', 'kps', 'kpv', 'kpy', 'kpz', 'kqe', 'kqp', 'kqr', 'kqy', 'krc', 'kri', 'krj', 'krl', 'krr', 'krs', 'kru', 'ksb', 'ksr', 'kss', 'ktb', 'ktj', 'kub', 'kue', 'kum', 'kus', 'kvn', 'kvw', 'kwd', 'kwf', 'kwi', 'kxc', 'kxf', 'kxm', 'kxv', 'kyb', 'kyc', 'kyf', 'kyg', 'kyo', 'kyq', 'kyu', 'kyz', 'kzf', 'lac', 'laj', 'lam', 'lao', 'las', 'lat', 'lav', 'law', 'lbj', 'lbw', 'lcp', 'lee', 'lef', 'lem', 'lew', 'lex', 'lgg', 'lgl', 'lhu', 'lia', 'lid', 'lif', 'lin', 'lip', 'lis', 'lit', 'lje', 'ljp', 'llg', 'lln', 'lme', 'lnd', 'lns', 'lob', 'lok', 'lom', 'lon', 'loq', 'lsi', 'lsm', 'ltz', 'luc', 'lug', 'luo', 'lwo', 'lww', 'lzz', 'maa-dialect_sanantonio', 'maa-dialect_sanjeronimo', 'mad', 'mag', 'mah', 'mai', 'maj', 'mak', 'mal', 'mam-dialect_central', 'mam-dialect_northern', 'mam-dialect_southern', 'mam-dialect_western', 'maq', 'mar', 'maw', 'maz', 'mbb', 'mbc', 'mbh', 'mbj', 'mbt', 'mbu', 'mbz', 'mca', 'mcb', 'mcd', 'mco', 'mcp', 'mcq', 'mcu', 'mda', 'mdf', 'mdv', 'mdy', 'med', 'mee', 'mej', 'men', 'meq', 'met', 'mev', 'mfe', 'mfh', 'mfi', 'mfk', 'mfq', 'mfy', 'mfz', 'mgd', 'mge', 'mgh', 'mgo', 'mhi', 'mhr', 'mhu', 'mhx', 'mhy', 'mib', 'mie', 'mif', 'mih', 'mil', 'mim', 'min', 'mio', 'mip', 'miq', 'mit', 'miy', 'miz', 'mjl', 'mjv', 'mkd', 'mkl', 'mkn', 'mlg', 'mlt', 'mmg', 'mnb', 'mnf', 'mnk', 'mnw', 'mnx', 'moa', 'mog', 'mon', 'mop', 'mor', 'mos', 'mox', 'moz', 'mpg', 'mpm', 'mpp', 'mpx', 'mqb', 'mqf', 'mqj', 'mqn', 'mri', 'mrw', 'msy', 'mtd', 'mtj', 'mto', 'muh', 'mup', 'mur', 'muv', 'muy', 'mvp', 'mwq', 'mwv', 'mxb', 'mxq', 'mxt', 'mxv', 'mya', 'myb', 'myk', 'myl', 'myv', 'myx', 'myy', 'mza', 'mzi', 'mzj', 'mzk', 'mzm', 'mzw', 'nab', 'nag', 'nan', 'nas', 'naw', 'nca', 'nch', 'ncj', 'ncl', 'ncu', 'ndj', 'ndp', 'ndv', 'ndy', 'ndz', 'neb', 'new', 'nfa', 'nfr', 'nga', 'ngl', 'ngp', 'ngu', 'nhe', 'nhi', 'nhu', 'nhw', 'nhx', 'nhy', 'nia', 'nij', 'nim', 'nin', 'nko', 'nlc', 'nld', 'nlg', 'nlk', 'nmz', 'nnb', 'nno', 'nnq', 'nnw', 'noa', 'nob', 'nod', 'nog', 'not', 'npi', 'npl', 'npy', 'nso', 'nst', 'nsu', 'ntm', 'ntr', 'nuj', 'nus', 'nuz', 'nwb', 'nxq', 'nya', 'nyf', 'nyn', 'nyo', 'nyy', 'nzi', 'obo', 'oci', 'ojb-script_latin', 'ojb-script_syllabics', 'oku', 'old', 'omw', 'onb', 'ood', 'orm', 'ory', 'oss', 'ote', 'otq', 'ozm', 'pab', 'pad', 'pag', 'pam', 'pan', 'pao', 'pap', 'pau', 'pbb', 'pbc', 'pbi', 'pce', 'pcm', 'peg', 'pez', 'pib', 'pil', 'pir', 'pis', 'pjt', 'pkb', 'pls', 'plw', 'pmf', 'pny', 'poh-dialect_eastern', 'poh-dialect_western', 'poi', 'pol', 'por', 'poy', 'ppk', 'pps', 'prf', 'prk', 'prt', 'pse', 'pss', 'ptu', 'pui', 'pus', 'pwg', 'pww', 'pxm', 'qub', 'quc-dialect_central', 'quc-dialect_east', 'quc-dialect_north', 'quf', 'quh', 'qul', 'quw', 'quy', 'quz', 'qvc', 'qve', 'qvh', 'qvm', 'qvn', 'qvo', 'qvs', 'qvw', 'qvz', 'qwh', 'qxh', 'qxl', 'qxn', 'qxo', 'qxr', 'rah', 'rai', 'rap', 'rav', 'raw', 'rej', 'rel', 'rgu', 'rhg', 'rif-script_arabic', 'rif-script_latin', 'ril', 'rim', 'rjs', 'rkt', 'rmc-script_cyrillic', 'rmc-script_latin', 'rmo', 'rmy-script_cyrillic', 'rmy-script_latin', 'rng', 'rnl', 'roh-dialect_sursilv', 'roh-dialect_vallader', 'rol', 'ron', 'rop', 'rro', 'rub', 'ruf', 'rug', 'run', 'rus', 'sab', 'sag', 'sah', 'saj', 'saq', 'sas', 'sat', 'sba', 'sbd', 'sbl', 'sbp', 'sch', 'sck', 'sda', 'sea', 'seh', 'ses', 'sey', 'sgb', 'sgj', 'sgw', 'shi', 'shk', 'shn', 'sho', 'shp', 'sid', 'sig', 'sil', 'sja', 'sjm', 'sld', 'slk', 'slu', 'slv', 'sml', 'smo', 'sna', 'snd', 'sne', 'snn', 'snp', 'snw', 'som', 'soy', 'spa', 'spp', 'spy', 'sqi', 'sri', 'srm', 'srn', 'srp-script_cyrillic', 'srp-script_latin', 'srx', 'stn', 'stp', 'suc', 'suk', 'sun', 'sur', 'sus', 'suv', 'suz', 'swe', 'swh', 'sxb', 'sxn', 'sya', 'syl', 'sza', 'tac', 'taj', 'tam', 'tao', 'tap', 'taq', 'tat', 'tav', 'tbc', 'tbg', 'tbk', 'tbl', 'tby', 'tbz', 'tca', 'tcc', 'tcs', 'tcz', 'tdj', 'ted', 'tee', 'tel', 'tem', 'teo', 'ter', 'tes', 'tew', 'tex', 'tfr', 'tgj', 'tgk', 'tgl', 'tgo', 'tgp', 'tha', 'thk', 'thl', 'tih', 'tik', 'tir', 'tkr', 'tlb', 'tlj', 'tly', 'tmc', 'tmf', 'tna', 'tng', 'tnk', 'tnn', 'tnp', 'tnr', 'tnt', 'tob', 'toc', 'toh', 'tom', 'tos', 'tpi', 'tpm', 'tpp', 'tpt', 'trc', 'tri', 'trn', 'trs', 'tso', 'tsz', 'ttc', 'tte', 'ttq-script_tifinagh', 'tue', 'tuf', 'tuk-script_arabic', 'tuk-script_latin', 'tuo', 'tur', 'tvw', 'twb', 'twe', 'twu', 'txa', 'txq', 'txu', 'tye', 'tzh-dialect_bachajon', 'tzh-dialect_tenejapa', 'tzj-dialect_eastern', 'tzj-dialect_western', 'tzo-dialect_chamula', 'tzo-dialect_chenalho', 'ubl', 'ubu', 'udm', 'udu', 'uig-script_arabic', 'uig-script_cyrillic', 'ukr', 'umb', 'unr', 'upv', 'ura', 'urb', 'urd-script_arabic', 'urd-script_devanagari', 'urd-script_latin', 'urk', 'urt', 'ury', 'usp', 'uzb-script_cyrillic', 'uzb-script_latin', 'vag', 'vid', 'vie', 'vif', 'vmw', 'vmy', 'vot', 'vun', 'vut', 'wal-script_ethiopic', 'wal-script_latin', 'wap', 'war', 'waw', 'way', 'wba', 'wlo', 'wlx', 'wmw', 'wob', 'wol', 'wsg', 'wwa', 'xal', 'xdy', 'xed', 'xer', 'xho', 'xmm', 'xnj', 'xnr', 'xog', 'xon', 'xrb', 'xsb', 'xsm', 'xsr', 'xsu', 'xta', 'xtd', 'xte', 'xtm', 'xtn', 'xua', 'xuo', 'yaa', 'yad', 'yal', 'yam', 'yao', 'yas', 'yat', 'yaz', 'yba', 'ybb', 'ycl', 'ycn', 'yea', 'yka', 'yli', 'yor', 'yre', 'yua', 'yue-script_traditional', 'yuz', 'yva', 'zaa', 'zab', 'zac', 'zad', 'zae', 'zai', 'zam', 'zao', 'zaq', 'zar', 'zas', 'zav', 'zaw', 'zca', 'zga', 'zim', 'ziw', 'zlm', 'zmz', 'zne', 'zos', 'zpc', 'zpg', 'zpi', 'zpl', 'zpm', 'zpo', 'zpt', 'zpu', 'zpz', 'ztq', 'zty', 'zul', 'zyb', 'zyp', 'zza'])

モデルの場合は load_adapter() 関数を、トークナイザーの場合は set_target_lang() を呼び出して、言語アダプターを切り替えます。前の手順で検出されたターゲット言語 ("detect_language_id") を入力として渡します。

Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize


inputs = asr_processor(example['audio']['array'], sampling_rate=16_000, return_tensors="pt")

with torch.no_grad():
    outputs = asr_model(**inputs).logits

ids = torch.argmax(outputs, dim=-1)[0]
transcription = asr_processor.decode(ids)
grisé par ce parfum il fit des vers en l'honneur de l'humble fleur des bois et il les récita tout haut à ses pieds une violette l'entendit elle crut qu'il ne parlait que pour elle

OpenVINO IR モデルに変換して推論を実行

ov.convert_model 関数を使用して OpenVINO IR モデル形式に直接変換します。ov.save_model 関数を使用して、変換結果をシリアル化します。今後の使用の利便性のために、これらの目的の関数を作成します。

asr_model_xml_path_template = 'models/ov_asr_{}_model.xml'

def get_asr_model(model_path_template, language_id, compiled=True):
    input_values = torch.zeros([1, MAX_SEQ_LENGTH], dtype=torch.float)
    model_path = Path(model_path_template.format(language_id))

    if not model_path.exists() and model_path_template == asr_model_xml_path_template:

        model_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        converted_model = ov.convert_model(asr_model, example_input={'input_values': input_values})
        ov.save_model(converted_model, model_path)
        if not compiled:
            return converted_model

    if compiled:
        return core.compile_model(model_path, device_name=device.value)
    return core.read_model(model_path)

compiled_asr_model = get_asr_model(asr_model_xml_path_template, language_id)
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize


def recognize_audio(compiled_model, src_audio):
    inputs = asr_processor(src_audio, sampling_rate=16_000, return_tensors="pt")
    outputs = compiled_model(inputs['input_values'])[0]

    ids = torch.argmax(torch.from_numpy(outputs), dim=-1)[0]
    transcription = asr_processor.decode(ids)

    return transcription

transcription = recognize_audio(compiled_asr_model, example['audio']['array'])
print("Original text:", example['text'])
print("Transcription:", transcription)
Original text: grisé par ce parfum il fit des vers en l'honneur de l'humble fleur des bois et il les récita tout haut à ses pieds une violette l'entendit elle crut qu'il ne parlait que pour elle
Transcription: grisé par ce parfum il fit des vers en l'honneur de l'humble fleur des bois et il les récita tout haut à ses pieds une violette l'entendit elle crut qu'il ne parlait que pour elle


NNCF は、量子化レイヤーをモデルグラフに追加し、トレーニング・データセットのサブセットを使用してこれらの追加の量子化レイヤーのパラメーターを初期化することで、トレーニング後の量子化を可能にします。量子化操作は FP32/FP16 ではなく INT8 で実行されるため、モデル推論が高速化されます。


  1. 量子化用のキャリブレーション・データセットを作成します。

  2. nncf.quantize() を実行して、量子化されたモデルを取得します。

  3. openvino.save_model() 関数を使用して量子化された INT8 モデルをシリアル化します。

注: 量子化は時間とメモリーを消費する操作です。以下の量子化コードの実行には時間がかかる場合があります。

compiled_quantized_lid_model = None
quantized_asr_model_xml_path_template = None

to_quantize = widgets.Checkbox(

Checkbox(value=True, description='Quantization')

to_quantize が選択されていない場合に量子化をスキップするスキップマジック拡張機能をロードします

import sys

%load_ext skip_kernel_extension



%%skip not $to_quantize.value

from IPython.display import display


選択した言語の同じ MLS データセットの検証分割を読み込みます。

%%skip not $to_quantize.value

mls_dataset = iter(load_dataset("facebook/multilingual_librispeech", SAMPLE_LANG.value, split="validation", streaming=True))
example = next(mls_dataset)


%%skip not $to_quantize.value


calibration_data = []
    data = asr_processor(next(mls_dataset)['audio']['array'], sampling_rate=16_000, return_tensors="np")


LID モデルの量子化を実行します。

%%skip not $to_quantize.value

import nncf

quantized_lid_model_xml_path = Path(str(lid_model_xml_path).replace(".xml", "_quantized.xml"))

if not quantized_lid_model_xml_path.exists():
    quantized_lid_model = nncf.quantize(
        get_lid_model(lid_model_xml_path, compiled=False),
    ov.save_model(quantized_lid_model, quantized_lid_model_xml_path)
    compiled_quantized_lid_model = core.compile_model(quantized_lid_model, device_name=device.value)
    compiled_quantized_lid_model = get_lid_model(quantized_lid_model_xml_path)
INFO:nncf:NNCF initialized successfully. Supported frameworks detected: torch, openvino
Statistics collection: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 5/5 [00:06<00:00,  1.24s/it]
Applying Smooth Quant: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 291/291 [00:18<00:00, 15.34it/s]
INFO:nncf:144 ignored nodes was found by name in the NNCFGraph
Statistics collection: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 5/5 [00:18<00:00,  3.65s/it]
Applying Fast Bias correction: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 298/298 [05:09<00:00,  1.04s/it]


%%skip not $to_quantize.value

language_id = detect_language(compiled_quantized_lid_model, example['audio']['array'])
print("Detected language:", language_id)
Detected language: fra


ASR モデルの量子化を実行します。

%%skip not $to_quantize.value

quantized_asr_model_xml_path_template = asr_model_xml_path_template.replace(".xml", "_quantized.xml")
quantized_asr_model_xml_path = Path(quantized_asr_model_xml_path_template.format(language_id))

if not quantized_asr_model_xml_path.exists():
    quantized_asr_model = nncf.quantize(
        get_asr_model(asr_model_xml_path_template, language_id, compiled=False),
    ov.save_model(quantized_asr_model, quantized_asr_model_xml_path)
    compiled_quantized_asr_model = core.compile_model(quantized_asr_model, device_name=device.value)
    compiled_quantized_asr_model = get_asr_model(quantized_asr_model_xml_path_template, language_id)
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Statistics collection: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 5/5 [00:05<00:00,  1.17s/it]
Applying Smooth Quant: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 290/290 [00:17<00:00, 16.39it/s]
INFO:nncf:144 ignored nodes was found by name in the NNCFGraph
Statistics collection: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 5/5 [00:19<00:00,  3.93s/it]
Applying Fast Bias correction: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 393/393 [05:22<00:00,  1.22it/s]


%%skip not $to_quantize.value

compiled_asr_model = get_asr_model(asr_model_xml_path_template, language_id)
transcription_original = recognize_audio(compiled_asr_model, example['audio']['array'])
transcription_quantized = recognize_audio(compiled_quantized_asr_model, example['audio']['array'])
print("Transcription by original model: ", transcription_original)
print("Transcription by quantized model:", transcription_quantized)
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Transcription by original model:  le salon était de la plus haute magnificence dorée comme la galerie de diane aux tuileries avec des tableaux à l'huile au lombri il y avait des tâches claires dans ces tableaux julien apprit plus tard que les sujets avaient semblé peu décent à la maîtresse du logis qui avait fait corriger les tableaux
Transcription by quantized model: le salon était de la plus haute magnificence doré comme la galerie de diane aux tuileries avec des tableaux à l'huile au lombri il y avait des tâches claires dans ces tableaux julien apprit plus tard que les sujets avaient semblé peu decent à la maîtresse du logis qui avait fait corriger les tableaux



%%skip not $to_quantize.value

def calculate_compression_rate(model_path_ov, model_path_ov_int8, model_type):
    model_size_fp32 = model_path_ov.with_suffix(".bin").stat().st_size / 10 ** 6
    model_size_int8 = model_path_ov_int8.with_suffix(".bin").stat().st_size / 10 ** 6
    print(f"{model_type} model footprint comparison:")
    print(f"    * FP32 IR model size: {model_size_fp32:.2f} MB")
    print(f"    * INT8 IR model size: {model_size_int8:.2f} MB")
    return model_size_fp32, model_size_int8

lid_model_size_fp32, lid_model_size_int8 = \
    calculate_compression_rate(lid_model_xml_path, quantized_lid_model_xml_path, 'LID')
asr_model_size_fp32, asr_model_size_int8 = \
    calculate_compression_rate(Path(asr_model_xml_path_template.format(language_id)), quantized_asr_model_xml_path, 'ASR')
LID model footprint comparison:
    * FP32 IR model size: 1931.81 MB
    * INT8 IR model size: 968.96 MB
ASR model footprint comparison:
    * FP32 IR model size: 1930.10 MB
    * INT8 IR model size: 968.29 MB

次に、MLS データセットのテスト分割で元のモデルと量子化されたモデルの精度値を比較します。ここでは Word Error Rate (WER) メトリックに依存し、精度を (1 - WER) として計算します。


%%skip not $to_quantize.value

import time
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import numpy as np
from jiwer import wer

test_dataset = load_dataset("facebook/multilingual_librispeech", SAMPLE_LANG.value, split="test", streaming=True)
test_dataset = test_dataset.take(TEST_DATASET_SIZE)

def calculate_transcription_time_and_accuracy(lid_model, asr_model):
    ground_truths = []
    predictions = []
    identification_time = []
    transcription_time = []
    for data_item in tqdm(test_dataset, desc="Measuring performance and accuracy", total=TEST_DATASET_SIZE):
        audio = data_item["audio"]["array"]

        start_time = time.perf_counter()
        detect_language(lid_model, audio)
        end_time = time.perf_counter()
        identification_time.append(end_time - start_time)

        start_time = time.perf_counter()
        transcription = recognize_audio(asr_model, audio)
        end_time = time.perf_counter()
        transcription_time.append(end_time - start_time)


    word_accuracy = (1 - wer(ground_truths, predictions)) * 100
    mean_identification_time = np.mean(identification_time)
    mean_transcription_time = np.mean(transcription_time)
    return mean_identification_time, mean_transcription_time, word_accuracy

identification_time_fp32, transcription_time_fp32, accuracy_fp32 = \
    calculate_transcription_time_and_accuracy(compiled_lid_model, compiled_asr_model)
identification_time_int8, transcription_time_int8, accuracy_int8 = \
    calculate_transcription_time_and_accuracy(compiled_quantized_lid_model, compiled_quantized_asr_model)
print(f"LID model footprint reduction: {lid_model_size_fp32 / lid_model_size_int8:.3f}")
print(f"ASR model footprint reduction: {asr_model_size_fp32 / asr_model_size_int8:.3f}")
print(f"Language identification performance speedup: {identification_time_fp32 / identification_time_int8:.3f}")
print(f"Language transcription performance speedup:  {transcription_time_fp32 / transcription_time_int8:.3f}")
print(f"Transcription word accuracy. FP32: {accuracy_fp32:.2f}%. INT8: {accuracy_int8:.2f}%. Accuracy drop :{accuracy_fp32 - accuracy_int8:.2f}%.")
Measuring performance and accuracy:   0%|          | 0/20 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Measuring performance and accuracy:   0%|          | 0/20 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
LID model footprint reduction: 1.994
ASR model footprint reduction: 1.993
Language identification performance speedup: 1.425
Language transcription performance speedup:  1.489
Transcription word accuracy. FP32: 85.01%. INT8: 84.76%. Accuracy drop :0.25%.

Gradio によるインタラクティブなデモ

このデモでは、独自の例を試すことができます。オーディオデータが 16000 kHz でサンプリングされていることを確認してください。

import gradio as gr
import librosa
import time

title = 'MMS with Gradio'
description = 'Gradio Demo for MMS and OpenVINO™. Upload a source audio, then click the "Submit" button to detect a language ID and a transcription. ' \
            'Make sure that the audio data is sampled to 16000 kHz. If this language has not been used before, it may take some time to prepare the ASR model.' \
            '\n' \
            '> Note: In order to run quantized model to transcribe some language, first the quantized model for that specific language must be prepared.'

current_state = {
    "fp32": {"model": None, "language": None},
    "int8": {"model": None, "language": None}

def infer(src_audio_path, quantized):
    src_audio, _ = librosa.load(src_audio_path)
    lid_model = compiled_quantized_lid_model if quantized else compiled_lid_model

    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    detected_language_id = detect_language(lid_model, src_audio)
    end_time = time.perf_counter()
    identification_delta_time = f"{end_time - start_time:.2f}"

    state = current_state["int8" if quantized else "fp32"]
    if detected_language_id != state["language"]:
        template_path = quantized_asr_model_xml_path_template if quantized else asr_model_xml_path_template
            gr.Info(f"Loading {'quantized' if quantized else ''} ASR model for '{detected_language_id}' language. "
                "This will take some time.")
            state["model"] = get_asr_model(template_path, detected_language_id)
        state["language"] = detected_language_id
        except RuntimeError as e:
            if "Unable to read the model:" in str(e) and quantized:
                raise gr.Error(f"There is no quantized ASR model for '{detected_language_id}' language. "
                               "Please run quantization for this language first.")

    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    transcription = recognize_audio(state["model"], src_audio)
    end_time = time.perf_counter()
    transcription_delta_time = f"{end_time - start_time:.2f}"

    return detected_language_id, transcription, identification_delta_time, transcription_delta_time

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
    with gr.Row():
        gr.Markdown(f"# {title}")
    with gr.Row():

    run_button = {True: None, False: None}
    detected_language = {True: None, False: None}
    transcription = {True: None, False: None}
    identification_time = {True: None, False: None}
    transcription_time = {True: None, False: None}
    for quantized in [False, True]:
        if quantized and not to_quantize.value:
        with gr.Row():
            with gr.Column():
                if not quantized:
                    audio = gr.Audio(label="Source Audio", type='filepath')
                run_button_name = "Run INT8" if quantized else "Run FP32" if to_quantize.value else "Run"
                run_button[quantized] = gr.Button(value=run_button_name)
            with gr.Column():
                detected_language[quantized] = gr.Textbox(label=f"Detected language ID{' (Quantized)' if quantized else ''}")
                transcription[quantized] = gr.Textbox(label=f"Transcription{' (Quantized)' if quantized else ''}")
                identification_time[quantized] = gr.Textbox(label=f"Identification time{' (Quantized)' if quantized else ''}")
                transcription_time[quantized] = gr.Textbox(label=f"Transcription time{' (Quantized)' if quantized else ''}")

                            inputs=[audio, gr.Number(0, visible=False)],
                            outputs=[detected_language[False], transcription[False], identification_time[False], transcription_time[False]])
    if to_quantize.value:
                               inputs=[audio, gr.Number(1, visible=False)],
                               outputs=[detected_language[True], transcription[True], identification_time[True], transcription_time[True]])

except Exception:
    demo.queue().launch(share=True, debug=False)
# if you are launching remotely, specify server_name and server_port
# demo.launch(server_name='your server name', server_port='server port in int')
# Read more in the docs:
Running on local URL:

To create a public link, set share=True in launch().
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
Ignored unknown kwarg option normalize
WARNING:nncf:NNCF provides best results with torch==2.0.1, while current torch version is 1.13.1+cu117. If you encounter issues, consider switching to torch==2.0.1
No CUDA runtime is found, using CUDA_HOME='/usr/local/cuda-11.7'
/home/nsavel/venvs/ov_notebooks_tmp/lib/python3.8/site-packages/transformers/models/wav2vec2/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs!
  if attn_weights.size() != (bsz * self.num_heads, tgt_len, src_len):
/home/nsavel/venvs/ov_notebooks_tmp/lib/python3.8/site-packages/transformers/models/wav2vec2/ TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs!
  if attn_output.size() != (bsz * self.num_heads, tgt_len, self.head_dim):