インテル® VTune™ Amplifier 2018 ヘルプ
Set a percent of the target CPU/Wait time to display only the hottest program units that exceed this threshold.
-cumulative-threshold-percent=<value> |
The percent of target CPU/Wait time consumed by the program units displayed.
all program units.
Use the cumulative-threshold-percent action-option to generate a performance detail report that focuses on program units that exceed the specified percentage of target CPU/Wait time. Functions below the specified threshold are filtered out, so your report includes just the hottest program units, and excludes those that are insignificant.
Linux*: Generate a Performance Detail report from the r001hs Hotspots result that only includes functions that cumulatively account for 90% of target CPU time. Functions cumulatively representing less than 10% of target CPU time are excluded.
$ amplxe-cl -report perf-detail -r r001hs -cumulative-threshold-percent=90
Module Function CPU Time Cumulative Percent
matrix algorithm_2 3.136 70.415
matrix algorithm_1 1.156 96.375
Windows*: Generate performance reports in r001hs and r002hs functions that account for 50% of the total difference. Positive and negative difference values are handled separately.
> amplxe-cl -R perf -r r001hs -r r002hs -cumulative-threshold-percent=50
Module Function Result 1:CPU Time Result 2:CPU Time Difference:CPU Time Cumulative Percent
matrix.exe algorithm_2 3.106 3.131 -0.025 100.000
Module Function Result 1:CPU Time Result 2:CPU Time Difference:CPU Time Cumulative Percent
ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet 0.012 0 0.012 39.956
ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject 0.113 0.110 0.003 50.051