Command Line Interface Reference
- Option Descriptions and General Rules
All option descriptions in the Intel® VTune™ AmplifierCommand Line Interface Reference follow the general rules and templates described below.
- allow-multiple-runs
Enable multiple runs to achieve more precise results for hardware event-based collections.
- analyze-kvm-guest
Analyze a KVM guest OS running on your system.
- analyze-system
Enable analysis of all processes running on the system.
- app-working-dir
Specify the application directory in auto-generated commands.
- call-stack-mode
Choose how to show system functions in the call stack.
- collect
Run the specified analysis type and collect data into a result.
- collect-with
Run a custom hardware event-based sampling or user-mode sampling and tracing collection using your settings.
- column
Specify substrings for the column names to display only corresponding columns in the report.
- command
Issue a command to a running collect action.
- cpu-mask
Specify CPU(s) for a collect or collect-with action.
- csv-delimiter
Specify the delimiter for a tabular report.
- cumulative-threshold-percent
Set a percent of the target CPU/Wait time to display only the hottest program units that exceed this threshold.
- custom-collector
Launch an external collector to gather custom interval and counter statistics for your target in parallel with the VTune Amplifier.
- data-limit
Limit the amount of raw data (in MB) to be collected.
- discard-raw-data
Specify removal of raw collector data after finalization.
- duration
Specify the duration for collection (in seconds).
- filter
Specify which data to include or exclude.
- finalization-mode
Perform full finalization, deferred finalization or skip finalization.
- finalize
Perform symbol resolution to finalize or re-resolve a result.
- format
Specify output format for report.
- group-by
Specify grouping in a report.
- help
Display brief explanations of command line arguments.
- import
Import one or more collection data files/directories.
- inline-mode
Exclude/include inline functions in the stack.
- knob
Set configuration options for the specified analysis type or collector type.
- kvm-guest-kallsyms
Specify a local path to the /proc/kallsyms file copied from the guest system.
- kvm-guest-modules
Specify a local path to the /proc/modules file copied from the guest system.
- limit
Set the number of top items to include in a report.
- loop-mode
Show or hide loops in the stack.
- mrte-mode
Specify managed profiling mode for Java*, Python*, Go*, .NET*, and Windows* Store applications.
- no-follow-child
Specify whether child processes are included in collection results.
- no-summary
Suppress summary report generation.
- no-unplugged-mode
Enable collection from an unplugged Android* device to exclude ADB connection and power impact on the results .
- quiet
Limit the amount of information displayed by amplxe-cl.
- report
Generate a specified type of report from an analysis result.
- report-knob
Set configuration options for the specified report type.
- report-output
Write a generated report to a file.
- report-width
Set the maximum width for a report
- result-dir
Specify the result directory.
- resume-after
Resume collection after the specified number of seconds.
- return-app-exitcode
Return the exit code of the target.
- ring-buffer
Limit the amount of raw data to be collected by setting the timer that enables the analysis only for the last seconds before the target or collection is terminated.
- search-dir
Specify a search directory for binary and symbol files.
- show-as
Specify report values as events, samples, or percentage.
- sort-asc
Sort data in ascending order by the specified column name.
- sort-desc
Sort data in descending order by the specified column name.
- source-object
Type of source object to display in a report for source or assembly data.
- source-search-dir
Specify a search directory for source files.
- stack-size
Specify the size of a raw stack (in bytes) to process.
- start-paused
Start data collection in the paused mode.
- strategy
Specify which processes to analyze.
- target-install-dir
Specify a path to the Intel® VTune™ Amplifier target package installed on the remote system.
- target-system
Collect data on a remote machine using SSH/ADB connection.
- target-tmp-dir
Specify a path to the temporary directory on the remote system where performance results are temporarily stored.
- target-duration-type
Adjust the sampling interval for longer-running targets.
- target-pid
Attach a collection to a running process specified by the process ID.
- target-process
Attach a collection to a running process specified by the process name.
- time-filter
Filter reports by a time range.
- trace-mpi
For message passing interface (MPI) analysis , configure collectors to determine MPI rank ID in case of a non-Intel MPI library implementation.
- user-data-dir
Specify the base directory for result paths.
- verbose
Display detailed information on actions performed by the amplxe-cl tool.
- version
Display version information for the amplxe-cl.