インテル® VTune™ Amplifier 2018 ヘルプ
To access this window:
Click the
Compare Results
button on the
Intel® VTune™ Amplifier
Use this window to compare two results of the same analysis type:
Dialog Item |
Description |
Result 1 / Result 2 drop-down menu |
Specify the results you want to compare. Choose the result of the current project from the drop-down menu, or click the Browse button to choose a result from a different project. |
Swap Results button |
Click this button to change the order of the result files you want to compare. Result 1 always serves as the basis for comparison. |
Compare button |
Click this button to view the difference between the specified result files. This button is only active if the selected results can be compared. Otherwise, an error message is displayed. |
Outcome: Bottom-up pane and Summary window display performance data for Result 1 and Result 2 side-by-side with the calculated difference.