インテル® VTune™ Amplifier 2018 ヘルプ

SMC Machine Clear

Metric Description

Certain events require the entire pipeline to be cleared and restarted from just after the last retired instruction. This metric measures only self-modifying code (SMC) events. This event counts the number of times a program writes to a code section that is shared with another processor or itself as a data page, causing the entire pipeline and the trace caches to be cleared. Self-modifying code causes a severe penalty in all processors based on Intel architecture.

Possible Issues

A significant portion of execution time is spent handling machine clears incurred by self-modifying code event. Dynamically-modified code (for example, target fix-ups) is likely to suffer from performance degradation due to SMC. To avoid this, introduce indirect branches and use data tables on data pages (not code pages) with register-indirect calls.
