インテル® VTune™ Amplifier 2018 ヘルプ

Window: Collection Log

The Collection Log window opens when you click the Start button and run the analysis. This window consists of the following panes:

Status Pane

Intel® VTune™ Amplifier uses two types of data collectors: user-mode sampling and tracing collector and hardware event-based sampling collector. During data collection and finalization the VTune Amplifier provides status messages in the Status pane. When the analysis is completed, you can right-click and select the Copy to clipboard option in the Collection Log window context menu. Then, you can paste the messages to a file and send it to the VTune Amplifier support team, if required.


You may enable detailed collection messages by using the Display verbose messages in the Collection Log window option, available from the Options… > Intel VTune Amplifier version > General pane.

If analysis completes successfully, the VTune Amplifier does the following:

Application Output

If you configured the General pane options to display the application output in the product output window, the VTune Amplifier redirects the output to the Application Output pane.
