インテル® VTune™ Amplifier 2018 ヘルプ

TSX Exploration Analysis for Transactional Aborts

Use the TSX Exploration analysis to understand Intel® Transactional Synchronization Extensions (Intel TSX) behavior and causes of transactional aborts on Intel processors.

For the transactional success analysis, the VTune Amplifier provides the following metrics:

VTune Amplifier classifies aborts by the following reasons:

To use the TSX Exploration analysis type, explore:

Configuration Options

To configure options for the TSX Exploration analysis:

Prerequisites: Create a project and specify an analysis target.

  1. Click the (スタンドアロン GUI)/ (Visual Studio IDE)New Analysis toolbar button.

    The Analysis Type window opens.

  2. From the left pane, select Microarchitecture Analysis > TSX Exploration.

    The TSX Exploration configuration pane opens on the right.

  3. Configure the following options:

    Analyze user tasks, events, and counters check box

    Analyze the tasks, events, and counters specified in your code via the ITT API. This option causes a higher overhead and increases the result size.

    The default value is false.

    TSX Analysis Step options

    Select a step for analyzing Intel TSX behavior. Start with measuring transactional success and then, if the aborts rate is high, analyze for aborts.

    • 1. Transactional success
    • 2. Aborts

    The default value is 1. Transactional success.

    Details button

    Expand/collapse a section listing the default non-editable settings used for this analysis type. If you want to modify or enable additional settings for the analysis, you need to create a custom configuration by copying an existing predefined configuration. VTune Amplifier creates an editable copy of this analysis type configuration and locates it under the Custom Analysis section on the left pane.

  4. Click Start to run the analysis.


For analysis, use the TSX Exploration viewpoint that includes the following windows:
