インテル® VTune™ Amplifier 2018 ヘルプ
To access this pane:
Double-click a function/synchronization object in the grid (for example, Bottom-up pane), Call Stack pane, or a transition in the Timeline pane. The following outcomes are possible:
If symbol information is available for the selected object, the Source pane opens displaying the body of the source function. You can toggle the Source pane on and off by using the Source toolbar button.
If symbol information is missing, only the Assembly pane opens.
Use the Source pane to identify the source code that caused a hotspot.
The Source pane provides the following data:
Use This |
To Do This |
Toolbar |
Source Line |
View the line number of the high-level programming language source code file. This column is available in the Assembly pane only when the line number information is available. |
Source |
Explore the source code of the application. The code lines of the current function are black. Other code is grey. If you drill down to the function source from the
Call Stack pane, the VTune Amplifier opens the source
highlighting the call site (location where a function call is made) at the top
of the call stack. The call site is marked with the yellow arrow
<Performance metrics columns> |
Analyze collected data per code line using the Self and Total types of performance metrics. For example, for the Basic Hotspots analysis, the CPU Time: Self column shows the amount of processor time (in seconds) taken to execute a code line while the CPU Time: Total column shows the processor time spent on the code line execution and calls from this line, if any. Mouse over the column header to read the metric description and view the formula used for the metric calculation. |
Heat map markers |
Navigate between the most performance critical code lines using visual indicators to the right of the scrollbar. |
You may specify the search directories for symbol files in the Binary/Symbol Search dialog box. Intel® VTune™ Amplifier searches these directories to resolve module associations. If you have not specified the directories for search and the VTune Amplifier cannot find a symbol file in the default project location, it will ask you to specify the file location in the Cannot find <file type> file window.