インテル® VTune™ Amplifier 2018 ヘルプ

Running disk-io Analysis from the Command Line


This is a PREVIEW FEATURE on Windows* OS. A preview feature may or may not appear in a future production release. It is available for your use in the hopes that you will provide feedback on its usefulness and help determine its future. Data collected with a preview feature is not guaranteed to be backward compatible with future releases. Please send your feedback to parallel.studio.support@intel.com or to intelsystemstudio@intel.com.

This analysis type uses the hardware event-based sampling collection and system-wide Ftrace* collection (for Linux* and Android* targets)/ETW collection (Windows* targets) to provide a consistent view of the storage sub-system combined with hardware events and an easy-to-use method to match user-level source code with I/O packets executed by the hardware.

The analysis actively relies on the data produced by the kernel block driver system. In case your platform utilizes a non-standard block driver sub-system (for example, user-space storage drivers), disk metrics will not be available in the analysis type.

Use the Disk Input and Output analysis to identify:


$ amplxe-cl -collect disk-io [-- target] [target_options]

Knobs: none.


Example 1: Disk Input and Output Analysis with a Target Application

This example shows how to run the Disk Input and Output analysis with specified Linux target application and enabled system-wide profiling:

$ amplxe-cl -collect disk-io -analyze-system -- home/test/myApplication

Example 2: Disk Input and Output Analysis without a Target Application

This example shows how to run a system-wide Disk Input and Output analysis without specified target application for 30 seconds:

$ amplxe-cl -collect disk-io --duration 30

What's Next

When the data collection is complete, do one of the following to view the result:
