インテル® VTune™ Amplifier 2018 ヘルプ
Use the GPU Hotspots analysis to:
Define GPU tasks with high GPU utilization, estimate the effectiveness of this utilization, and identify possible reasons for stalls or low occupancy
Identify how effectively your application uses OpenCL kernels (for Linux* and Window* targets only)
Analyze execution of Intel Media SDK tasks over time (for Linux targets only)
Explore GPU usage and analyze a software queue for GPU engines at each moment of time
Explore the performance of your application per selected GPU metrics over time
$ amplxe-cl -collect gpu-hotspots [-knob <knobName=knobValue>] -- <target> [target_options]
Knobs: gpu-sampling-interval, gpu-counters-mode, enable-gpu-runtimes, enable-stack-collection.
For the most current information on available knobs (configuration options) for the GPU Hotspots analysis, enter:
$ amplxe-cl -help collect gpu-hotspots
This example runs GPU Hotspots analysis with enabled OpenCL™ kernels tracing on the specified application.
$ amplxe-cl -collect gpu-hotspots -knob enable-gpu-runtimes=true -- home/test/myApplication
When the data collection is complete, do one of the following to view the result:
Use the -report action to view the data from command line.
Use the -report-output action to write report to a .txt or .csv file
Open the data collection result (*.amplxe) in the VTune Amplifier graphical interface.