インテル® VTune™ Amplifier 2018 ヘルプ

Running gpu-hotspots Analysis from the Command Line

Use the GPU Hotspots analysis to:


$ amplxe-cl -collect gpu-hotspots [-knob <knobName=knobValue>] -- <target> [target_options]

Knobs: gpu-sampling-interval, gpu-counters-mode, enable-gpu-runtimes, enable-stack-collection.


For the most current information on available knobs (configuration options) for the GPU Hotspots analysis, enter:

$ amplxe-cl -help collect gpu-hotspots


This example runs GPU Hotspots analysis with enabled OpenCL™ kernels tracing on the specified application.

$ amplxe-cl -collect gpu-hotspots -knob enable-gpu-runtimes=true -- home/test/myApplication

What's Next

When the data collection is complete, do one of the following to view the result:
