インテル® VTune™ Amplifier 2018 ヘルプ

Saving and Formatting Reports

By default, a report is written to stdout in text format, but the amplxe-cl tool provides several options to control the report format:

Saving a Report to a File

When generating a report from the command line, use the report-output option to save this report in the specified format. By default, most types of reports are saved in text format, but you may also choose CSV. Whichever file type you choose, a number of options are available so you can format your report.

Here is the basic command syntax:

$ amplxe-cl -report <report_name> -result-dir <dir> -report-output <path/filename.ext>



To be sure the correct result is used, use the result-dir option to specify the result directory. If not specified when generating a report, the report uses the highest numbered compatible result in the current working directory.


Generate a Hotspots report from the r001hs result, and save it to /home/test/MyReport.txt in text format.

$ amplxe-cl -report hotspots -result-dir r001hs -report-output /home/test/MyReport.txt

Generate a hotspots report in the CSV format from the most recent result and save it in the current working directory. Use the format option with the csv argument and the csv-delimiter option to specify a delimiter, such as comma.

$ amplxe-cl -R hotspots -report-output MyReport.csv -format csv -csv-delimiter comma
Module,Process,CPU Time

Limiting Line Width

To limit line width for readability, use the report-width option and specify the maximum number of characters per line before wrapping occurs.


Output a Hotspots report from the most recent result as a text file with a maximum width of 60 characters per line.

$ amplxe-cl -report hotspots -report-width 60 -report-output MyHotspotsReport.txt
